Sometime ago I started researching how to best get my work, Albert Einstein Cancer Center, to embrace Social Media. Unfortunately, I have only been slightly successful.
I started out by doing some research. I initially found a great deal of resources about social media and Non-profits. I approached some of the people, mostly through email and twitter, and asked if I could use some of their material. They were very helpful. Some people even gave me their phone numbers and we spoke for some time.
In the end I created a powerpoint presentation that I thought would appeal to several key points my employers would be interested in.
I first explained that although many key donors were online and indeed preferred to give online, our particular center was unable to take direct donations online. The next slides describes how many NCI designated Cancer Centers can take contributions directly online.
The second section of slides tries to explain what Social Media is with a slide that gives analagous media. This segues into a section on why we should care. The Why Should We Care section is all about statistics and donors.
The next section describes Social Media again using the CommonCraft video, Social Media in Plain English, some freely accessible icons and then gives some more statistics.
This is followed by a section about the "Wired Wealthy" a study done by Convio of wealthy donors online.
There is then a section showing non-profits and cancer centers on various social media platforms. Then there is a set of slides presenting various social media success stories and why they worked. This is followed by the 5 rules of social media, then a section on the Nonprofit Social Network Survey Report.
There is a section on the 10 things to do before setting up Social Media. This is followed by a section on Metrics and ROI.
I don't use all the slides in the presentation when I do it, but it's good to have them available.
The presentation (minus any copyrighted information) is on here.
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